A touch of blue to your bouquet
A simple way to incorporate a pop of colour to your bouquet while embracing this time-honoured tradition is to add blue ribbon to your bouquet. Alternatively, you could add a pale blue flower to your bouquet if you don’t want to have a ribbon.
Monogram in style
Using blue thread, have you initials and your wedding date embroidered and sewn into your wedding dress.
It’s all in the shoes
Surprise your guests with bold, jewel-toned blue shoes under your beautiful white dress. Or for something more subtle, you can use blue letter stickers that read “I Do” and stick them on the sole of your shows.
Blue is the new white
Instead of having subtle hints of blue, why not go bold and wear a pale blue wedding gown. Celebrities like Gwen Stefani and Jessica Biel embraced the coloured wedding dress on their big days, why shouldn’t you?
Check out that bling
A simple way to incorporate something blue on your wedding day is to wear statement jewellery with blue touches to them. Let you blue bling shine!
Hurray for belts
You can add a touch of blue to your wedding dress by complementing it with a blue sash or belt with some accent jewels on it.
The makeup game
Blue eyeshadow, blue nails, or heck, even blue lipstick. You can use makeup to add that touch of blue to your wedding day.
Let the groom wear the blue
There is no place where it’s written that the bride has to wear the “something blue”. The groom and his groomsmen can wear blue pants or, something a little simpler, they can wear blue bow ties or ties.
Let your bridesmaids shine
Let your bridal party shine in their blue attire as they stand by you and your partner as you say your “I dos”. For a contemporary twist, have the dresses be varying shades of blue, rather than all uniform. This will make for beautiful photos.
Riding in Style
For the boldest blue statement at your wedding, rent a vintage baby blue car to take you to and from the wedding to the reception. This is not only helping you maintain a tradition, but it will also make for some really cool photos while being the topic of conversation among your guests!